Article History
Received: 02 December 2024
Accepted: 04 December 2024
Published: 05 December 2024
Volume 4, Issue No. 1, 4th Quarter 2024, pp. 55 – 63
Team Sports Coaching and Performance in a Government University in Wuhan Province, China
Wang Hong
This study will make assumptions about the relationship between transformational leadership, team
performance and team cohesion on the basis of literature and conduct statistical analysis in combination with
design scales to verify the assumptions. The study evaluated the team sports coaches' transformational
leadership and team performance of selected team sports college from Wuhan Province, China. Using a
quantitative research technique, the study is based on a descriptive-correlational design, and was conducted
among 85 student athletes in Wuhan, China. Based on the study findings, the demographic profile of the student
respondents revealed that majority of the student respondents are within the age range of 20 to 23 years old,
are females in terms of sex, have been playing team sports for 3 to 4 years, and are involved with Basketball
as their sports. The students' neutrality on the extent of coaches' transformational leadership, particularly in
terms of individualized consideration, highlights the need for a more consistent and comprehensive application
of transformative qualities. The neutrality of students regarding team performance, coupled with the occasional
observation of team members' roles, suggests an opportunity for coaches to enhance team awareness and
communication. Age significantly influences student athlete respondents' assessments of coaches’
transformational leadership, while sex, length of playing team sports, and team position do not significantly
impact these assessments in terms of charismatic influence, inspirational motivation, individualized
consideration, and intellectual stimulation. The correlation analysis suggests that the perceived leadership
qualities of Charismatic Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Individualized Consideration, and Intellectual
Stimulation have significant relationships with various aspects of employee retention, as indicated by
respondents' assessments of team member roles, inter-group relationships, passion, commitment, skills, and
overall worker morale.
Keywords: team sports, coaching, transformational leadership, team performance, team cohesion, Wuhan

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