Article History
Received: 22 January 2024
Accepted: 31 January 2024
Published: 04 March 2024
Volume 1, Issue 1, 1st Quarter 2024, pp. 33 - 44
Satisfaction of Students on their Respective Organization at Asian Institute of Maritime Studies
Kenneth Vien A. Domingo, Ma. Hazel B. Babon, Ma. Christina V. Collado, Kristalyn Y. Bagarino
The study endeavored to elucidate the performance as well as the satisfaction of students toward their
respective student organization in AIMS. Descriptive-correlation was used to determine the significant
difference in the performance and satisfaction of the student organizations while documentary analysis was
used to assess the performances of the same organizations. Employing stratified random sampling as sampling
technique, and using Slovin’s formula to derive the samples, respondents were 244 randomly selected students
from course-based organizations at the College of Business (CB) and Maritime College (MC) in AIMS, Pasay
City. A validated, self-made survey questionnaire was utilized as data gathering instrument. Data were
outsourced at the Center for Student Services (CeSS). To analyze the data, percentage, weighted mean, and
analysis of variance were employed as statistical tool for the study. Based on the findings, Nautica Society and
Marine Engineering Society (MES) had the largest student organization populations while members who are
moderately active also comprise the largest number in terms of population. Performance wise, the AIMS Cyber
Mode Society (ACYMOS), Culinarians Hospitality and Entrepreneur Fellow Society (CHEFS), and Junior Executive
Society (JES) were student organizations that have almost complied with the required number of activities to
be held. In terms of satisfaction, the members of Nautica and MES were only satisfied (WM = 2.7 and 2.6
respectively) with their seminars, community services, other activities, officers elected, and advisers appointed
except for MES’ community service with fairly satisfied result mainly because there were no activities held by
these student organizations for the previous academic year. PSCAS and NARCHIMES members were also
satisfied because of the same reason above. A high satisfaction level was also given to the officers and advisers
of other organizations namely CHEFS, JES and ACYMOS because of their active leadership on their respective
organizations. Except for the community services rendered, there is no significant difference between the
members of the different organization and their level of satisfaction in terms of seminars held, other activities
held, officers elected, and advisers appointed. No significant difference was also noted in the performance of
the organization and their activities.
Keywords: Satisfaction, Student Organization, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

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Article History
Received: 22 January 2024
Accepted: 31 January 2024
Published: 04 March 2024
Volume 1, Issue 1, 1st Quarter 2024, pp. 33 - 44
Satisfaction of Students on their Respective Organization at Asian Institute of Maritime Studies
Kenneth Vien A. Domingo, Ma. Hazel B. Babon, Ma. Christina V. Collado, Kristalyn Y. Bagarino
The study endeavored to elucidate the performance as well as the satisfaction of students toward their
respective student organization in AIMS. Descriptive-correlation was used to determine the significant
difference in the performance and satisfaction of the student organizations while documentary analysis was
used to assess the performances of the same organizations. Employing stratified random sampling as sampling
technique, and using Slovin’s formula to derive the samples, respondents were 244 randomly selected students
from course-based organizations at the College of Business (CB) and Maritime College (MC) in AIMS, Pasay
City. A validated, self-made survey questionnaire was utilized as data gathering instrument. Data were
outsourced at the Center for Student Services (CeSS). To analyze the data, percentage, weighted mean, and
analysis of variance were employed as statistical tool for the study. Based on the findings, Nautica Society and
Marine Engineering Society (MES) had the largest student organization populations while members who are
moderately active also comprise the largest number in terms of population. Performance wise, the AIMS Cyber
Mode Society (ACYMOS), Culinarians Hospitality and Entrepreneur Fellow Society (CHEFS), and Junior Executive
Society (JES) were student organizations that have almost complied with the required number of activities to
be held. In terms of satisfaction, the members of Nautica and MES were only satisfied (WM = 2.7 and 2.6
respectively) with their seminars, community services, other activities, officers elected, and advisers appointed
except for MES’ community service with fairly satisfied result mainly because there were no activities held by
these student organizations for the previous academic year. PSCAS and NARCHIMES members were also
satisfied because of the same reason above. A high satisfaction level was also given to the officers and advisers
of other organizations namely CHEFS, JES and ACYMOS because of their active leadership on their respective
organizations. Except for the community services rendered, there is no significant difference between the
members of the different organization and their level of satisfaction in terms of seminars held, other activities
held, officers elected, and advisers appointed. No significant difference was also noted in the performance of
the organization and their activities.
Keywords: Satisfaction, Student Organization, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

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Submit Articles:
1. Journal Description
2. Select Journal
a. Declaration of Originality
b. Select the Journal
c. Paper Formatting
d. Initial Manuscript Submission
e. Peer Review Process
f. Manuscript Revision
g. Editing Services
h. Final Manuscript Submission
i. Acknowledgement to Publish
j. Copyright Matters
k. Inhouse Publication

Article History
Received: 22 January 2024
Accepted: 31 January 2024
Published: 04 March 2024
Volume 1, Issue 1, 1st Quarter 2024, pp. 33 - 44
Satisfaction of Students on their Respective Organization at Asian Institute of Maritime Studies
Kenneth Vien A. Domingo, Ma. Hazel B. Babon, Ma. Christina V. Collado, Kristalyn Y. Bagarino
The study endeavored to elucidate the performance as well as the satisfaction of students toward their
respective student organization in AIMS. Descriptive-correlation was used to determine the significant
difference in the performance and satisfaction of the student organizations while documentary analysis was
used to assess the performances of the same organizations. Employing stratified random sampling as sampling
technique, and using Slovin’s formula to derive the samples, respondents were 244 randomly selected students
from course-based organizations at the College of Business (CB) and Maritime College (MC) in AIMS, Pasay
City. A validated, self-made survey questionnaire was utilized as data gathering instrument. Data were
outsourced at the Center for Student Services (CeSS). To analyze the data, percentage, weighted mean, and
analysis of variance were employed as statistical tool for the study. Based on the findings, Nautica Society and
Marine Engineering Society (MES) had the largest student organization populations while members who are
moderately active also comprise the largest number in terms of population. Performance wise, the AIMS Cyber
Mode Society (ACYMOS), Culinarians Hospitality and Entrepreneur Fellow Society (CHEFS), and Junior Executive
Society (JES) were student organizations that have almost complied with the required number of activities to
be held. In terms of satisfaction, the members of Nautica and MES were only satisfied (WM = 2.7 and 2.6
respectively) with their seminars, community services, other activities, officers elected, and advisers appointed
except for MES’ community service with fairly satisfied result mainly because there were no activities held by
these student organizations for the previous academic year. PSCAS and NARCHIMES members were also
satisfied because of the same reason above. A high satisfaction level was also given to the officers and advisers
of other organizations namely CHEFS, JES and ACYMOS because of their active leadership on their respective
organizations. Except for the community services rendered, there is no significant difference between the
members of the different organization and their level of satisfaction in terms of seminars held, other activities
held, officers elected, and advisers appointed. No significant difference was also noted in the performance of
the organization and their activities.
Keywords: Satisfaction, Student Organization, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

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