1. What is an ISSN?

According to the Philippine National Library, an International Standard Serial Number, or ISSN, is an international identifier for serials and continuing resources in the electronic and print worlds. It can be assigned to any serial or continuing resource whether past, present or to be published in the foreseeable future whatever the medium of production (e.g. print, online, CD-ROM, etc.).

The ISSN International Center, an intergovernmental organization which manages at the international level the identification and the description of serial publications and ongoing resources, print and online, in any subject, has articulated that the role of ISSN is to identify a publication. It is a digital code, however, without any intrinsic meaning: 1) it does not include any information about the origin or contents of the publication; and, it does not guarantee the quality or validity of the contents. Henceforth, the Philippine National Library has also articulated that an ISSN is not mandatory, and does not convey any form of legal or provide copyright protection on a work.

For further information, queries, and updates on ISSN matters, you may visit the following websites:

Philippine National Library

ISSN International Center

2. Serializing Inhouse/Curated Journals – DJP

Albeit it is not mandatory for journals to acquire ISSN, each journal published by VMC Analytiks will have its own ISSN number. This is to extend each journal a unique identifier as a scientific journal. Having each journal with a unique identification would help readers to easily find the journals published by VMC Analytiks. At some point, the ISSN also provides credibility and integrity to the journals.

Following the policies set forth by the Philippine National Library in the application of ISSN number, where an ISSN is assigned to online publications only after the release of the first issue, provided that this issue contains a significant number of articles (at least a minimum of 5 articles for open access publication), the 6 maiden journal issues of VMC Analytiks will therefore be applied for individual ISSN upon launching the first issue of each journal. Thus, the provision of ISSN to the following VMC Analytiks journals:


Volume No./Issue No./Year

Journal Title

ISSN (Online): 3028-1040
ISSN (Print): 3028-1059

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Pedagogy Review

ISSN (Online): 3028-1997
ISSN (Print): 3028-1962

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Social Science Lens

ISSN (Online): 3028-2802
ISSN (Print): 3028-2799

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Ocean Life

ISSN (Online): 3028-1334
ISSN (Print): 3028-1326

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Business Fora

ISSN (Online): 3028-1679
ISSN (Print): 3028-1660

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024


(For application)

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Communication Continuum

ISSN (Online): 3028-1407
ISSN (Print): 3028-1415

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024



Volume No./Issue No./Year

Journal Title


Volume No./Issue No./Year

Journal Title

ISSN (Online): 3028-1040
ISSN (Print): 3028-1059

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Pedagogy Review

ISSN (Online): 3028-1997
ISSN (Print): 3028-1962

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Social Science Lens

ISSN (Online): 3028-2802
ISSN (Print): 3028-2799

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Ocean Life

ISSN (Online): 3028-1334
ISSN (Print): 3028-1326

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Business Fora

ISSN (Online): 3028-1679
ISSN (Print): 3028-1660

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024


(For application)

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Communication Continuum

ISSN (Online): 3028-1407
ISSN (Print): 3028-1415

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024


ISSN (Online): 3028-1040
ISSN (Print): 3028-1059

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Pedagogy Review

ISSN (Online): 3028-1997
ISSN (Print): 3028-1962

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Social Science Lens

ISSN (Online): 3028-2802
ISSN (Print): 3028-2799

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Ocean Life

ISSN (Online): 3028-1334
ISSN (Print): 3028-1326

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Business Fora

ISSN (Online): 3028-1679
ISSN (Print): 3028-1660

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024


(For application)

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024

Communication Continuum

ISSN (Online): 3028-1407
ISSN (Print): 3028-1415

Volume 1/Issue 1/2024



1. What is Journal Indexing?

Journal Indexing is the process of listing a research journal in reputable research databases with the intent to increase its availability, visibility, and readership on a global scale. Besides building a good reputation and brand, indexing in reputable databases makes a journal an authoritative source of scientific information thus distinctively standing out from among the other journals published in not so reputable databases.

Generally, there are 2 types of journal indexing: 1) Crawler-based Search Engine; and 2) Application-based Index Databases. Crawler-based search engines can index machine-readable metadata or full-text files automatically using “web crawlers,” also known as “spiders” or “bots,” which are internet programs that systematically “crawl” websites to identify and ingest new content (“How to improve the chances….,” 2023). One example of Crawler-based is Google Scholar. On the other hand, Application-based indexing requires a journal publication to apply to be indexed in a certain research database. As these databases maintain a certain degree of reputation, there are minimum requirements that shall be met in order to be indexed. Scopus, one of the leading and reputable research databases, is one of those which entails stringent application requirements.

2. Indexing of Inhouse/Curated Journals – DJP

With its mission “To recognize the intellect of Filipino people through publication of quality learning materials and scholarly works produced and curated by Filipinos,” VMC Analytiks, through its “Digital Journal Philippines” platform, aims to internationally share, disseminate, and make available the various promising academic and industry research papers of Filipinos. VMC Analytiks is therefore geared towards indexing its Inhouse/Curated Journals in leading international indexing research databases.

With the launching of “Digital Journal Philippines” website on January 3, 2024, the first issues (Volume 1, Issue 1, 20204) of the 6 maiden journals under the Inhouse/Curated Journals will also be launched. Featured articles in the first issues will be initially indexed via “Crawler-based Search Engines” while, at the same time, processing their application in reputable international research databases. Below are the minimum requirements of research databases where the 6 journals shall be indexed:





1. Fill-up the “Full Text & Licensed Databases” form found on the link below:

2. Supply the following journal information: Publisher Information; and, Publication Information.

3. Submission Policy: By submitting this form, you acknowledge that EBSCO Information Services will collect and process your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy, including the categories and purposes of use for such information as described.


1. Review the guidelines on how to apply for indexing found on the link below:

2. Fill-up the application form found on the link below:

3. If your application is accepted, you will receive an email to confirm this. Generally, the decision to be published is reached within three months.


1. Review the “Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters” found on the link below:

2. Follow the “Content Guidelines” especially on the type of papers included as scholarly articles. This includes a complete author-written abstract. Review the guidelines on this link:

3. Review the crawl guidelines especially on the type of file formats, browsing interface, and website availability. Visit the guidelines here:

4. Review the indexing guidelines especially on the preparation of article URLs, and configuring the meta-tags. Find the guideline link here:

5. If properly complied with the requirements, Google Scholar indexes articles between 1 to 2 weeks.


1. Semantic Scholar indexes journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

2. If a journal wishes to be indexed in Semantic Scholar, please visit the Directory of Open Access Journals website and apply.

3. Once your journal application has been processed and approved, please send a link to Semantic Scholar of your journal on the DOAJ website and gladly submit a request to index.

4. For additional information, please visit the link below:


1. Crossref is a “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI) for research articles and journals.

2. Fill-up the Web Deposit Form to generate a DOI. To fill-up the form, visit this link:

3. Once done with all the requirements, visit the link below to activate your DOI:

4. Your DOI will be usable within an hour of activating it — the timing depends on how busy the DOI system is at the time of your request.


1. Have publish peer-reviewed content and have publicly available peer review policies/processes listed on its website.

2. Have content relevant to an international readership (Note: Titles matter! For example, if a journal title includes a country name, it will be assumed to be more regionally focused)

3. Provide English-language abstracts and titles

4. Include references in Roman script

5. Be a serial title that is published regularly (i.e., bi-monthly)

6. Have ISSN International Centre registration

7. Have a publicly available publication ethics and malpractice statement (COPE, WAME, ICMJE, and CONSORT all offer helpful templates)

8. In general, Scopus also requires that journals have a publication history of 2+ years.

9. For detailed reference on the procedures above, please visit this link:

Not Applicable

1. Scientific Character - the predominant part of the articles published by a journal during the two years, proceeding the date of fulfilling the questionnaire, constituted research articles of original empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical research.

2. Minimum number of published research papers – it depends on publishing frequency of particular journal.

3. Current ISSN number - a journal may be in paper form with ISSN number, in electronic form with eISSN number or in both forms. The form does not influence a journal evaluation

4. Scientific journal was published the whole evaluated year - this condition means that the Editorial Office should publish as many issues as it stems from a journal frequency. If a journal was established in evaluated year, it is a quarterly journal and only 2 issues have been published so far, the evaluation will be possible in the next indexation year.

5. Active and up-to-date website - if a journal does not have separate website, the website of the Publisher, university with a special section dedicated to the journal may be provided.

6. Published review procedure of research papers.

7. For the detailed publishing, procedure, please visit this link:





1. Fill-up the “Full Text & Licensed Databases” form found on the link below:

2. Supply the following journal information: Publisher Information; and, Publication Information.

3. Submission Policy: By submitting this form, you acknowledge that EBSCO Information Services will collect and process your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy, including the categories and purposes of use for such information as described.


1. Review the guidelines on how to apply for indexing found on the link below:

2. Fill-up the application form found on the link below:

3. If your application is accepted, you will receive an email to confirm this. Generally, the decision to be published is reached within three months.


1. Review the “Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters” found on the link below:

2. Fill-up the application form found on the link below:

3. Review the crawl guidelines especially on the type of file formats, browsing interface, and website availability. Visit the guidelines here:

4. Review the indexing guidelines especially on the preparation of article URLs, and configuring the meta-tags. Find the guideline link here:

5. Review the indexing guidelines especially on the preparation of article URLs, and configuring the meta-tags. Find the guideline link here:


1. Semantic Scholar indexes journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

2. If a journal wishes to be indexed in Semantic Scholar, please visit the Directory of Open Access Journals website and apply.

3. Once your journal application has been processed and approved, please send a link to Semantic Scholar of your journal on the DOAJ website and gladly submit a request to index.

4. For additional information, please visit the link below:


1. Crossref is a “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI) for research articles and journals.

2. Fill-up the Web Deposit Form to generate a DOI. To fill-up the form, visit this link:

3. Once done with all the requirements, visit the link below to activate your DOI:

4. Your DOI will be usable within an hour of activating it — the timing depends on how busy the DOI system is at the time of your request.


1. Have publish peer-reviewed content and have publicly available peer review policies/processes listed on its website.

2. Have content relevant to an international readership (Note: Titles matter! For example, if a journal title includes a country name, it will be assumed to be more regionally focused)

3. Provide English-language abstracts and titles

4. Include references in Roman script

5. Be a serial title that is published regularly (i.e., bi-monthly)

6. Have ISSN International Centre registration

7. Have a publicly available publication ethics and malpractice statement (COPE, WAME, ICMJE, and CONSORT all offer helpful templates)

8. In general, Scopus also requires that journals have a publication history of 2+ years.

9. For detailed reference on the procedures above, please visit this link:


1. Scientific Character - the predominant part of the articles published by a journal during the two years, proceeding the date of fulfilling the questionnaire, constituted research articles of original empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical research.

2. Minimum number of published research papers – it depends on publishing frequency of particular journal.

3. Current ISSN number - a journal may be in paper form with ISSN number, in electronic form with eISSN number or in both forms. The form does not influence a journal evaluation

4. Scientific journal was published the whole evaluated year - this condition means that the Editorial Office should publish as many issues as it stems from a journal frequency. If a journal was established in evaluated year, it is a quarterly journal and only 2 issues have been published so far, the evaluation will be possible in the next indexation year.

5. Active and up-to-date website - if a journal does not have separate website, the website of the Publisher, university with a special section dedicated to the journal may be provided.

6. Published review procedure of research papers.

7. For the detailed publishing, procedure, please visit this link: