Data Analytics Tool (DAT) is an application that collects and analyzes data in order to improve business
processes and aid in discovering hidden trends and patterns thereby uncovering insights to make future data-
driven and intelligent decisions. This project, which is aligned with the business and data analytic course
contents of the University of the East, Caloocan, is intended for particular users, such as the faculty members
and students enrolled in these courses, so as to uniformly use the application in simulating business analytics
cases with the given data set in their respective classes. The application development was based on the
principles of lean methodology since the model eliminates waste and improves efficiency for the team, thus
maximizing the time for development. Various technologies in analyzing data were incorporated in the
application such as data mining techniques, statistical measures, forecasting algorithms and decision analysis
methods. These technologies were implemented using Visual Studio and was coded using C# programming
language. DAT was evaluated for its effectiveness and efficiency as a data analytics tool by several faculty
members and students in the classes of business and analytic courses using the ISO/IEC 20510 software
quality assurance standard with the following criteria: functional suitability, performance efficiency,
compatibility, usability, and reliability. The general weighted mean of 3.96 and 3.49 were gained from the faculty
members and students respectively. Hence, the respondents “strongly agree” with the applicability and
acceptability of the proposed application as a tool that can be used in analytic courses.
Keywords: decision-making tools, data mining, business analytics, data analytics, agile, prediction,
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