Since the release of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Order No.15, Series of 2019, which mandates graduate students, both in the Master of Science/Master of Arts Academic Track and Doctor of Philosophy Academic Track/Doctor of Philosophy by Research, to publish or, at least, show evidence of acceptance of research studies in refereed journals, or nationally or internationally indexed journals, it has already been a tough task for graduate students in realizing this mandate. This includes higher education faculties and professors to author and publish high impact researches.
VMC Analytiks noted this need, and have thus included the mission to elevate the country’s mark in research citation, at least in the South East Asian region. This dire need has led the creation of the “Digital Journal Philippines” (Digi-journal Phils or DJP). VMC Analytiks, the creator and prime mover of Digital Journal Philippines, believes that an assembly of research papers, both academic and professional, were produced by Filipinos each year, however, some, if not majority, are unaware, or not properly informed, on the process of publication especially with international indexing. Some also became victims of international “predatory journals,” promising their papers to be published in high impact journals with hefty dollar payments but only to find out later that these are bogus publications. Henceforth, with the main mission to protect the interest of Filipino Authors and Scientists, the Digital Journal Publication was created. DJP offers a reputable and value-laden journal publication aiming to maximize the visibility and exposure of local and international research papers in the digital world. Employing professionals as Editors-in-Chief in each journal title, as well as a composition of expert Editors, the journals of DJP are highly curated publications emanating quality and excellence as its major value propositions. With this proposition, VMC Analytiks is therefore keen in realizing its Mission and Vision to wit:

To recognize the intellect of Filipino people through publication of quality learning materials and scholarly works produced and curated by Filipinos.