Technologique: Enhancing Student Outcomes: A Dual Methodology Using Naive Bayesian and Rule-Based Models Continue ReadingTechnologique: Enhancing Student Outcomes: A Dual Methodology Using Naive Bayesian and Rule-Based Models
Technologique: Advancing Layer Feed Formulation with Mobile Technology Continue ReadingTechnologique: Advancing Layer Feed Formulation with Mobile Technology
Technologique: Utilization of Convolutional Neural Networks in Coin Grading for BSP Series One Peso Coins Continue ReadingTechnologique: Utilization of Convolutional Neural Networks in Coin Grading for BSP Series One Peso Coins
Technologique: Evaluating the Sediment Yield and Environmental Impact in Mining Expansion Scenarios in Sta. Cruz – Candelaria, Zambales Continue ReadingTechnologique: Evaluating the Sediment Yield and Environmental Impact in Mining Expansion Scenarios in Sta. Cruz – Candelaria, Zambales
Technologique: Design and Development of Biofuel and Chicken Feed (Broilers) for Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys) Utilizing AVR Microcontroller (Esp32) Continue ReadingTechnologique: Design and Development of Biofuel and Chicken Feed (Broilers) for Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys) Utilizing AVR Microcontroller (Esp32)
Technologique: Site Level Geospatial Analysis for Intensity Index of Gold and Copper Mining: Impact on Biodiversity and the Potential for Blockchain Integration Continue ReadingTechnologique: Site Level Geospatial Analysis for Intensity Index of Gold and Copper Mining: Impact on Biodiversity and the Potential for Blockchain Integration
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Technologique: Pattern Analysis of Periodic Sediment Elevation Data: A Decision Support Framework for Deposited Sediment Management in Coastal Environment Continue ReadingTechnologique: Pattern Analysis of Periodic Sediment Elevation Data: A Decision Support Framework for Deposited Sediment Management in Coastal Environment
Technologique: Smart System for Differently-Abled Persons Applying Internet of Things (IoT) Continue ReadingTechnologique: Smart System for Differently-Abled Persons Applying Internet of Things (IoT)