Carlo Jaime Manguil, Maria Krisvie Abigale Mendoza, Jan S. Del Rosario
Academic libraries are an integral part of learning institutions, serving as crucial hubs for meeting the
information and research needs of students and faculty. The study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction
of users with library resources and services at a lone agricultural state higher education institution (HEI) in
Bulacan, Philippines. A survey research design was employed to quantify the responses from education faculty
and students, who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The findings reveal that respondents
are generally satisfied with the library’s resources, including the availability of printed materials, accessibility
of online resources, provision of ICT equipment, and overall conduciveness of the learning environment. Both
faculty and students expressed satisfaction with the quantity and quality of the library’s online and print
materials in supporting their respective fields of study. Regarding library services, majority of respondents
were satisfied with the institution’s library orientation, instruction, guidelines for borrowing books, service
hours, reference support, reader’s advisory, information and referral, current awareness, indexing, and internet
access. These services enable college librarians and staff to facilitate effective utilization of the library’s
resources, allowing students to engage with books, journals, and other vital educational materials, as well as
conduct individual and group studies. The degree to which the college community utilizes the library’s services
and resources can serve as an indicator of the library's function and value in supporting the academic and
research needs of the institution. Generally, this study provides valuable insights to guide the library in
enhancing its offerings and ensuring sustained user satisfaction.
Keywords: academic library resources, higher education institution, academic library services, user
satisfaction, Bulacan Agricultural State College
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