1. Journal Description

The “ Inhouse/Curated Journals ” are research journals created and owned by VMC Analytiks under the “Digital Journal Philippines” (DJP) product line. These journals are especially curated to cater the publication needs of Authors and their research papers belonging to a specific type of discipline. With discipline-aligned Editors and Reviewers, the curation entails a thorough review, editing (if requested), and structural formatting of the research papers to comply with national and international standards of publication.

2. Select the Journal

Authors and Academic Institutions who intend to publish with “Digital Journal Philippines” (DJP) shall refer to the following guidelines in submitting a research article:

a. Declaration of Originality and Non-Publication. The Author shall ensure that the research paper intended for publication with “Digital Journal Publication” (DJP) is his/her original work. Other co-author/s shall be fully disclosed to extend due credit of the authorship. In case the paper is a compliance to an academic program, the Author shall properly inform the academic institution, thru any means of consent, verbal or written, that he/she intends to publish his/her paper to DJP. Likewise, the Author shall ensure that the paper has not been exclusively published to any publishing house or facility. If intended to re-publish, Author shall submit any agreement paper from the first publisher and indicating that the publication is a non-exclusive publication, hence, allowing the Author to republish his/her paper. If Author still intends to re-publish with DJP despite the exclusive publication agreement with the first publisher, the Author shall seek cancellation of publication from the first publisher.

b. Select the Journal. Review the list of journals presented and identify which journal do you think is more appropriate for your paper to be published. The Journal Prologue can help you understanding the type of papers to be featured in each journal. For reference on the initial lists of curated journals, including description and coverage, please refer below.

c. Paper Formatting. At a minimum compliance, you need to format your paper according to the required structure and format. Other content details shall be reflected. This is to align your paper with international publication standards. For the DJP Paper Format Style Guide, please click the link below.

d. Initial Manuscript Submission. Manuscripts formatted according to the Style Guide can now be submitted. The manuscript shall be in “word format” (.doc) to accommodate editing, if required/requested later. File name shall be on this format: last name_initial_journal-title_volume_issue. Submit your manuscript in the provided link below.

e. Peer Review Process. “Digital Journal Philippines” (DJP) adheres to strict review policies following international review standards. With a combination of Specialist and Generalist Reviewers, DJP exhausts Experts aligned in each journal to carefully curate and nurture papers, making sure that published papers uphold the publication’s thrust and direction. With this, a simultaneous 2-level review is done in each paper with a 2-man committee. The 2-man committee is composed of the following: Managing Editor (ME-Generalist); and, Editor-in-Chief (EIC-Specialist). You may refer to the “Editorial Board” menu for the complete list of our Editorial Board.

If accepted on the 1 st level review, Authors will receive 2 essential documents: 1) Letter of Acceptance (LOA); and, 2) Publication Agreement (PA). The Author shall comply with the initial requirements as stipulated in the LOA – payment of Article Processing Charge (APC) amounting to 60 USD and submission of signed PA. Upon compliance, the manuscript shall undergo 2 nd level review. This will take around 1 to 2 weeks depending on the availability of the EIC. After the review, 2 essential review documents shall be received: 1) Review Score Sheet (RSS); and, 2) Notes of Revision (NOR). These documents will inform the Author as to the soundness and acceptance level of his/her paper, as well as guide him/her to the next phases of the submission process. Anent to RSS, submitted papers shall earn a score of 63 points and above to qualify for publication. The RSS also reflects any of the following recommendation descriptions: 1) Ready for publication; 2) Very minimal revision; 3) Minimal revision; 4) Considerable revision; and, 5) Major revision (shall receive a re-evaluation score of 85 points to qualify for publication).

f. Manuscript Revision. Reviewed papers will be returned to the Authors to undergo pertinent revision requirements, if any. If revision is required, the NOR form shall be used as guide in revising the paper. For further paper formatting requirements, Th Author may again refer to the provided “Paper Format Style Guide”.

g. Editing Services. At a minimum amount of 30 USD, the Author can opt to acquire the Editing Services ofthe Partner Editing Group (PEG) – a third-party provider of VMC Anlytiks after receiving a Notes of Revision (NOR). The PEG Editors are Language Experts who have been editing research papers for several years. Important Reminder: Be it noted that the work and service of PEG Editors are independent and autonomous from that of the decision and stand of the Review Committee. Thus, the decision to publish or not to publish a manuscript after acquiring the editing service of PEG is solely based on the paper’s merits and other efforts done by the Author to increase its acceptance for publication. To acquire the editing service of the PEG please fill-up the “Request for Editing” (RFE) form below.

After filling-up the form, pay the Editing Fee via the payment facility link provided and when done, submit the RFE, together with proof of payment (screenshot), to the submission link below.

h. Final Manuscript Submission. Upon compliance with all the requirements, you can now submit your final manuscript.

i. Acknowledgement to Publish. Upon receipt of the completed requirements, an “Acknowledgement to Publish” will be sent to the Author via email indicating the details of paper publication. Details shall include the name of the journal, issue number, volume number, year, and the window period (day, month, and year) where the paper is expected to be published

j. Copyright Matters. Authors shall retain the copyright of his/her research paper. However, in the intent to publish with “Digital Journal Philippines” (DJP), the Author grants VMC Analytiks the right for the first publication, or re-publication, of his/her paper.

k. Inhouse Publication. The research paper will be published and circulated in the dedicated online digital publication website of the company – the “Digital Journal Philippines” web page. The digital publication web page will be accessible online with a maximized search engine optimization (SEO) feature to ensure the searchability of each research paper published in the curated journals.

l. International Indexing. All research papers submitted for publication in any of the curated journals shall be intended, at any means, for indexing in various international indexing databases to ensure maximum dissemination and sharing. For further policies on indexing, please refer to the “ISSN/Indexing” menu.

m. Licensing and Open Access Policy. As the Author intends to disseminate and share his/her research work, VMC Analytiks therefore shall maximize the dissemination, exposure, and visibility of his/her paper through “free/open access” mode. This means that the paper shall be shared globally through the web platform free of charge. Under Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licensing, users are further allowed to download, print, and reprint the paper without any incurring fees or charges. VMC Analytiks believes that the free access of scholarly works would increase its utilization, thus promoting a well-informed and well-aided society. In addition, the CC BY 4.0 license also allows users for commercial use. To specify the license, the CC BY 4.0 logo and statement shall be conspicuously placed in the front matter of the final published version of the paper.

n. Data Privacy Compliance. VMC Analytiks adheres, in its highest form, to Republic Act 10173, or the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012. Thus, except for submitted research articles intended for publication (dissemination, sharing, downloading, printing, reproduction) in an “open access” manner, all information and data provided by the Author shall be kept confidential and private by VMC Analytiks and will only be used as valuable information to process the Author’s request for publication. The company ensures that provided data and information is secured following procedures and protocols, via third party manager, to prevent its unauthorize access or disclosure. The company will not also sell, share, or rent the personal information of Authors including details of their credit or debit cards.

o. Cancellation Policy. Upon submission of an Author’s paper for review and evaluation by VMC Analytiks, it is therefore assumed in good faith that the Author intends to publish his/her paper in one of the curated journals of the company. Henceforth, upon receiving the 1 st level review documents: 1) Letter of Acceptance (LOA); and, 2) Publication Agreement (PA), Authors are bound to comply on their obligation, including the payment of Article Processing Charge (APC). In the event that Authors still chose not to publish after the review process, payment of the APC shall be enforced and collected. On an ethical perspective, Authors shall think beforehand that before withdrawing a paper under review, they shall take into consideration the invested time and effort (which is still unpaid) in reviewing their manuscript. The longer it took for the paper’s review process, the greater ethical concern shall be thought of by Authors as more investments have been exhausted by editors and reviewers. Kindly advise VMC Analytiks on cases of possible withdrawal especially at the onset of review to avoid any future problem. We would be glad to work with Authors to arrive at a more convenient and agreeable terms in order to eventually publish their paper.